Complain When I Play Golf

It’s a fun one today on the WDMP podcast as we answer a question that’s sounds at first like it’s about hobbies and taking time for things we enjoy, but really gets down to how we distribute resources in our relationship. We discuss how conflicts over fairness can come up when one or both people in a couple are feeling depleted, anxious, or envious, and how to get out of that trap. We’re talking skills like getting curious, making You-turns, and direct requests.


 "…If you are complaining, hold on. You-turn, see if you can word that in a way that's actually request, and then check yourself. Would it be okay if I heard 'no?' If not, it's not a direct request. It's a demand disguised with a question mark."

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This podcast is not a substitute for therapy with a licensed provider.


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Interracial Relationships