Why Does My Partner Refuse To Apologize?

This week’s question “Why does my partner refuse to apologize?” is a big one.  Partly because we’ve all found ourselves in the position of not wanting or outright refusing to apologize to someone.  We’ve all been that person, probably more than once.  And we’ve all been the person on the receiving end of an apology—or the absence of an apology.  We’ve felt that vulnerability in calling attention to our hurt, and hopefully, we’ve all experienced the repair and connection from an apology well-stated.  So, why is such a basic, everyday thing so complicated and infrequent in practice?  And why is an effective apology so hard to do in real life?

Jules, Vickey and Rebecca really break this down, touching on why apologies are so hard both personally and culturally, why they are so vital and world-changing, and also giving each of us a roadmap for how to apologize and receive an apology well.  None of us will get it right every time, but it’s the intent and effort that matters most.  As they say in this episode, “Apologies are master level”, so you might want to bookmark this one to return to again and again.

Share your questions with us here!

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This podcast is not a substitute for therapy with a licensed provider.


Why Does My Partner Cut Me Off?


Why Doesn't My Partner See They Are Being Hypocritical?