Why Does My Partner Say They Don’t Remember?

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What happens when a situation is feeling unfair?  What if there are skills and deficits in each of you that are different...what if those differences drive you crazy?  We’ll face grief, talk about direct requests and face how hard it can be to live with each other and negotiate shared space.  What can we do to embody love towards ourselves and each other even while we face these challenges? We have answers, thoughts, and ways to stoke the ambers of your own curiosity in this one.

Share your questions with us here!

If you want to dive in deeper, consider registering for our online Essential Skills Relationship Bootcamp. Open to individuals, couples, and therapists. Learn more at whydoesmypartner.com/events

This podcast is not a substitute for therapy with a licensed provider.


Why Does My Partner Blame Me For Everything?


Why Does My Partner Get So Emotional?