Why Does My Partner Get So Emotional?

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In this episode we take on the question "Why does my partner get so emotional? Emotions are annoying and they don't serve a purpose anyway." And our answer begins with the science behind why emotions do matter and why they will run your life. Humans are meaning-making creatures and emotions play a vital role in that process. We are feeling beings, the question is: are we conscious of it or not? We nerd out on the fascinating brain science, including how logic and emotion work together to calm the brain. The skills lie in how to best get the logic and emotion to work together.

Share your questions with us here!

If you want to dive in deeper, consider registering for our online Essential Skills Relationship Bootcamp. Open to individuals, couples and therapists. Learn more at whydoesmypartner.com/events

This podcast is not a substitute for therapy with a licensed provider.


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