We answer questions from people who want help in relationships. These questions echo the conversations that take place over and over again in our therapy offices and take us on a dive deep into the skills at the heart of relational intimacy, greater health, and fulfillment.
send us your question to explore on a future podcast episode

this podcast is not a substitute for therapy with a licensed provider

Why Does My Partner Feel Better After Unloading?

Why Does My Partner Feel Better After Unloading?

Why do I have to feel bad for my partner to feel better? When does venting cross the line and become unloading? Guest host Ann Kelley joins us one more time to talk about power dynamics in relationships. It can feel relieving to unload your frustrations, but is it causing your partner to shut down? Or is the venting partner looking for some kind of feedback that they’re not getting, making them feel like they have to keep unloading till they get a reaction? As always, there’s not one answer, but we can offer a roadmap for how couples can start exploring this for themselves.

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Why Does My Partner Get Mad at Me When I Come Back from Out of Town?

Why Does My Partner Get Mad at Me When I Come Back from Out of Town?

Welcome back to the Why Does My Partner Podcast. For this bonus mini-series, were joined by Ann Kelley from the Therapist Uncensored podcast to tackle our next set of listener questions. Ann is a licensed psychologist and co-author of Secure Relating along with her wife and podcasting partner, Sue Marriott.

Do you and your partner have rituals when you come back together from being apart? Today’s question opens up our to ways that implicit memories can stir up old learned expectations of what happens when someone leaves us. If you’ve experienced painful separations in your past, your body may still be expecting that, even when your mind knows that nothing is wrong. We talk about how that could show up for either partner in this situation, and Ann shares her unique way of describing attachment styles, and how that can help folks have a smoother separation and reunion in their partnerships.

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